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​Prizes and Regulations 



個人及合奏組 Solo and Ensemble Class


*HKPPAA 獎學金組冠、亞、季軍同時獲得獎金* 


合奏組 - 學校/公開團體組 School or Open Ensemble Class

金、銀、銅獎 |獎狀及獎牌 


導師/機構/學校 Teacher/Institution/School

傑出教師獎 Excellent Teacher Award|每組冠、亞、季軍得主之導師/機構/學校(獎狀)

作育英才獎 Nurturing Talent Award|推薦5名或以上參加音樂節的導師/機構/學校(獎狀及水晶獎座)

藝術推廣獎 Arts Promotion Award|推薦10名或以上參加音樂節的導師/機構/學校(獎狀及木牌匾)

刻名服務 Engraving Service

請比賽完結後到報到處登記 (獎牌/水晶獎座 $100)


參加決賽資格 Finals Qualification






Competition Rules and Regulations


1. 所有分齡組別週歲均以 2025 年 1 月 1 日為標準計算。

In all classes where an age requirement is stipulated, the governing date shall be 1 January 2025.


2. 參賽者不限國籍,但須提交身份證/護照副本/學生手冊以確認資料。

No restriction on nationality. An identity card, passport or student handbook photocopy submission is needed.


3. 參賽者可選擇參加多個參賽組別,唯同一組只能參加一次。

Contestants can participate in more than one entry, but not more than once in the same class.


4. 每位參賽者只可最多由一名成人陪同參賽。比賽場地之座位將優先留予該場比賽之參賽者。如個別場地座位不足,陪同參賽之老師或家長有機會不獲安排進場。

Each contestant can only be accompanied by one adult, with seats reserved for the contestants first. If all the seats in the venue are filled up, teachers or parents may not be permitted to enter the venue.


5. 參賽者不需背譜。彈奏樂曲時需使用正本作閱譜之用,否則將被取消比賽資格。

Memorization is not mandatory, but contestants must use original scores during the competition. If not, they will be disqualified.


6. 參賽者需提交所選樂曲之兩份副本供兩位評判參考。

Contestants need to hand in two copies of their chosen piece to two adjudicators. 


7. 參賽者於比賽時無需重覆,註明 D.C.及 D.S.之樂曲除外。

All repertoires should be played without repeat, except for pieces marked with D.C. or D.S.


8. 所有曲目需從第一小節開始演奏,不得從中段開始。在比賽途中,如評判覺得彈奏樂曲已足够評分,會按鈴示意參賽者終止演奏,這個舉動不會影響評分。

All repertoires need to be played beginning from the first measure and not from the middle. During the performance, the jury may stop and ring the bell at any time if they have made their decision. This will not affect the result.

9. 遲到者不獲評分及獎項,只獲評語。

Late participants receive comments but no marks or awards. 

10. 本會按評判的專業評語及評分作為比賽結果的依據,參賽者不得異議。

The results are based on the jury’s professional comments and marking, which are final and indisputable.

11. 本會有權拒絕或終止不符合參賽資格者或違規者參賽。

HKPPAA reserves the right to disqualify contestants who fail to meet the requirements for competition or who violate the regulations.

12. 如參賽曲目有多樂章,只可演奏其中一個樂章。

Contestants can only choose one movement of the piece to join the competition.

13. 除了鋼琴參賽者,其他樂器參賽者之樂器均需自行攜帶到場。

Except for piano contestants, all other contestants are required to bring their instruments to the venue.

14. 報名表填寫不清、後補、欠交報名費或資料不齊均視為無效。如有任何資料需要更改,需付$200行政費用。

If the application form is not filled in clearly, if the payment for the entry fee is not completed, or if other required information is inaccurate, the application is considered incomplete and will be deemed invalid. If the event of any information changes, $200 of administrative expenses will be charged.

15. 比賽過程中本會將會進行錄影,除參賽者之陪同人士外,任何人士均不得攝影、錄音或錄影其他參賽者演奏,一切有關比賽之錄像版權歸本會所有。

HKPPAA will record the entirety of the competition. Except for the contestant's allowed accompanying person, no other person or party is permitted to take photos, videos or make any other kind of recordings of the other contestants during the duration of the competition. The copyrights of all audio and visual recordings of the competition are deemed the properties of the organizer.

16. 本會有權在需要時調動、修改或取消任何有關比賽安排之權利。

HKPPAA has the right to arrange, revise or cancel the competition.

17. 主辦單位有權修改比賽規則、獎品內容及評委會成員,如有任何變更,恕不另行通告。

Rules, regulations, awards and names of the jurors are subject to change without prior notice.

18. 如有任何突發事件影響實體比賽進行,比賽將改為網上形式進行,所有獎盃、獎牌、證書及分紙將於比賽結束後以郵寄方式郵遞至參賽者申報之地址。

Should the situation arise where emergencies prohibit the competition from occurring in-person, the competition will then hosted online as a virtual competition. All trophies, medals, certificates and score sheets will be posted after the competition.

19. 報名費用已包括:一組比賽、證書、獎牌或獎座、郵費之費用。

Entry fees include one class competition, certificate, medal or trophy, and the postal fee.

20. 於評判宣佈結果前,任何人士(包括參賽者、家長及老師)均不得與評判接觸,違者將被立即取消參賽資格。如有詢問,可向在場之場務人員查詢。

Before results are announced, any person/parties (including contestants, parents and teachers) cannot approach judges. Violaters will be disqualified. Staff welcome any questions. 

21. 冠軍、亞軍及季軍將獲奬盃乙個及獎狀乙張。90分或以上將獲金獎、80-89分將獲銀獎、70-79分將獲銅獎,金獎、銀獎及銅獎均獲奬牌乙個及獎狀乙張。69分或以下將獲優異獎獎狀乙張。所有奬盃及獎牌於每場比賽結束後即時派發,獎狀會於比賽後寄予參賽者。如當場沒有領獎,後補領取獎盃/獎牌/獎狀將收取額外行政費$200元,

1st-place prize, 2nd-place and 3rd-place prizes winners will be awarded a trophy and a certificate. The remaining contestants will be awarded a medal and a certificate according to their scores as follows: Gold Prize (90 marks or above), Silver Prize (80-89 marks), Bronze Prize (70-79 marks), and certificate of achievement (69 marks or below). Trophies and Medals will be awarded immediately at the end of each competition. Certificates will be sent after the competition. If the contestants do not collect the award on the spot, an additional administrative fee of $200 will be charged for the subsequent collection of the trophy/medal/certificate.

22. 各組別90分或以上獲冠軍;85-89分獲亞軍;80-84分獲季軍,如參賽者能力未達水平,獎項可能會從缺。其餘參賽者會按照分數頒獲金、銀、銅獎及優異獎。

If overall participants’ capabilities do not reach the desired expectation or there are few participants, there might be no winner announced. 90 marks or above entitles the champion, 85-89 entitles the second place, and 80-84 entitles the third place. Other participants will be awarded with gold, silver, bronze, or merit medals based on the score obtained. 

23. 為表揚導師或機構培育及鼓勵學生於音樂之發展, 本會設立以下獎項:




To honour the work of teachers and education organizations in promoting music education, we offer the following awards:

Excellent Teacher Award: Awarded to the teachers of the 1st-place prize, 2nd-place and 3rd-place prizes .

Nurturing Talent Award: Each teacher/education organization who has 5 to 9 students applying to the competition will be awarded. 

Arts Promotion Award: each teacher/education organization who has 10 or more students applying to the competition will be awarded

24. 所有已繳之款項, 恕不退還、轉讓或更改。

The paid fee is not refundable or transferable.

25. 出席比賽之人士應看管其個人財物,任何損失本會概不負責。

Participants of the competition should take care of their personal belongings, and HKPPAA will not be responsible for any loss of personal belongings.

26. 比賽時間為全場大約的開始時間,比賽將按次序進行,並不接受提早或延遲演奏的申請。比賽時間可能因爲不同的原因而稍有延遲,參賽者須耐心等待。

The listed competition time is the approximate starting time for the whole competition. The competition must proceed and occur in order. Contestant appeals for earlier or later performances than their designated times will not be accepted. The competition may be delayed due to various reasons, and should the situation arise we ask that participants wait patiently.

27. 香港以外地區參賽者之獎項及評分紙一律順豐到付。

All awards and score sheets for participants outside of Hong Kong will be shipped via SF Express with freight collect.

28.Paypal 付款只適用於香港以外地區參賽者,香港參賽者如使用PayPal需補回有關差額。

PayPal payment is only applicable to participants outside of Hong Kong. Hong Kong participants who choose to use PayPal will need to make up the price difference.

29. 實體比賽確實比賽日資料一律於報名結束後公佈,參賽者需自行到本會網頁查閱其比賽日期時間地點,本會不作另行通知,如需要可免費轉為錄影模式,但不接受其他更改及退款安排。

The information regarding live competitions, including competition dates, will be announced after the registration deadline. Participants are required to check the competition dates, times, and venues on our organization's website. We will not provide individual notifications. If necessary, participants can request to switch to the digital competition mode free of charge. However, we do not accept any other changes or refund arrangements.​​​​

30. 如有任何情況不能以本比賽章程中任何條文解釋,或一切行政及比賽事宜,將以本會對比賽章程之詮釋作出最終決定。

 If there is any situation that cannot be explained by any provisions of this competition regulation, or any of the administrative and competition matters, the final decision will be made by HKPPAA's interpretation of the competition regulations.

31. 非古典歌曲組可自行攜帶音樂播放器取締真人伴奏。

Non-Classical Music group contestants can use the speaker to play background music instead of finding an accompanist.

32. 所有比賽均提供三角琴 (包括伴奏)。

A grand piano will be provided for all piano contestants and accompanists. 

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