2024 Hong Kong Promotion of Performing Arts Festival
2024 香港藝術推廣節
Live Competition Date and Time
請攜帶閣下之身份證明文件(如身份證沒有相,請攜帶passport 或學生手冊)及兩份樂譜副本。
Please refer to this page for the dates and times of the live competition for each category. The performance order will be notified upon registration.
Participants are advised to carefully read the competition information and arrive at the venue 15 minutes in advance.
*Latecomers will not be scored but will receive comments.
Please bring your identification documents (such as ID card, passport, or student handbook) and two copies of the sheet music.
If you need to use sheet music for your performance, please bring the original sheet music with you.
In case the competition is affected by inclement weather or environmental factors, further notifications will be provided.
Please note that even if different categories have competitions scheduled at the same time, the awards will be assessed separately for each category and not mixed together.